Quality Control Department

Quality Control Department deals mainly with the testing of Raw/Packaging Materials, Intermediate and Bulk products, and Finished Products, Purified Water, Microbiological Environment Monitoring in accordance with the valid analytical procedures. Quality Control department carries out necessary and relevant tests as per standard test procedures and helps to ensure that materials are not released for use, sale or supply until required specifications are met. Records are made to demonstrate that all the required testing procedures were actually carried out and to effectively establish that the finished products containing active ingredients comply with the qualitative and quantitative composition of the Marketing Authorization, are of the purity required. Functions of the Quality Control Department also include participation in process validation, development and validation of all the analytical procedures related to raw material, packaging material, intermediate and finished products, purified water etc. In addition, conducting periodic Calibration Program of instruments and periodic Microbiological Environment Monitoring, participation in Complaint Handling and Product Recalls as well as preparation and revision of Quality Control Documents also lies within the scope of Quality Control department functions.